Miotto Ltd manufactures hydraulic jet turbine that exploit small heigh jumps, up to a few ten of meters, but with large water load, from 200-300 m^3/s up. Mechanically it is a propeller, with blades that can be oriented according to the water load, keeping high efficiency up to 20/30% more than the nominal load.
Miotto Ltd manufactured several revamping or “turnkey” constructions of hydraulic turbines type Kaplan, Pelton, and Francis up to 3500hp.
During the last ten years Miotto Ltd started working on hydraulic engines, first as electronic balancing and precision machining services provider for Francis and Pelton spinner and other components. Then, couple of years ago Miotto Ltd started manufacturing “turnkey” electromechanical components of the plant, thanks to the collaboration with Pagan Elettromeccanica Ltd and Alpago Energia Srl.
As reference, we can cite:
- n.1 Kaplan turbine in Garmish Partenkirchen: blades un-assembling, manufacturing of newly-designed blades, assembling;
- n.1 birotary Kaplan turbine in Biadene: blades and mechanical components machining;
- n.12 Francis wheels for Cover Energia: machining and balancing;
- n.1 Francis turbine for plant in Soglio: full supply;
- n.1 Francis turbine for plant in Acceglio (500 KW): full supply;
- n.2 Francis turbines (600 KW): full supply.