Founded in 1959 by the engineer Giovanni Miotto, the company grown up rapidly thanks to the high number of patents and engineering studies leaded by the founder. He previously developed a deep knowledge in the field of oleo-dynamical, mechanical, and electromechanical transmission working several years as director of the venetian Municipal Company A.C.N.I.L. shipyard.
Production of oleo-dynamic and flexible couplings (alignment joints) established itself both in industry and in marine fields.
Over the years the technological know-how continuously grew up, fact proved by more than 5000 technical drawings secured in the design office of the company.
Axles lines, universal joints, rudders and naval screws were installed in the most luxurious nautical applications both for professional passenger cruise and for recreation. Miotto products received very soon appreciation and recognition for their quality, reliability, and for the originality of the solutions adopted.
There are no propulsion system in naval field that the company didn’t faced and successfully solved.
Thruster, wheel and hydro-jet propellers have been entirely designed, developed and built by the founder and his staff. During the 80s two new products lines, bow-thrusters and azimuth thrusters (outdrive), both equipped with oleo-static transmission from 50 up to 800 HP, gained the interest from national and international customers.
In the industrial field, numerous interventions have been performed on machines for paper and food industries, but also highly sophisticated automation applications have been developed. Results gained through two key factors: continuous training of the employees and investments on updating and upgrading the equipments.
Numerical Control and CNC machines, CAD/CAM softwares, structural simulators (CAE) and electronic certified balancing of every rotating component, ensures the best quality for both standard and on-contract products, improved and personalised to the specific needs of the customer, following the classic craftsmanship tradition and the highest quality standards.
In 1994 the transformation from artisan company to industry, in view of tradition respect and continuity, enabled new investments and further development. In 2000, the company gained the ISO 9001 certificate with the Italian Naval Registry, ensuring to the customers the highest quality standard.
In 2009 Eng. Miotto’s company was acquired by Pagan Elettromeccanica Ltd and its name changed in Miotto Industrial and Marine Technologies Ltd, giving rise to the Pagan Group.
In 2016 the Group increased its expertise in the construction and maintenance of ships, taking a leading role among work-boat, touristic-boat and yacht builders.
The absolute craftsmanship of its works, the competence and professionalism of its technicians and employees are the strength of the Group, which is also able to produce steel and aluminium alloy highly personalised boats.

Miotto s.r.l. Industrial and Marine Technologies
Via della Meccanica n.8
30176 Venezia Malcontenta (ITALY)
Tel.: +39.041.5470764
Fax: +39.041.5470057
P. IVA e cod. FISCALE 02785830270
Legal informations:
Capitale Sociale € 60.000 interamente versato
Registro Imprese Venezia 02785830270
Repertorio Economico Amministrativo Venezia 245038